This hike will take place on Saturday October 18th in Pilot Mountain, NC - it will be a 20 mile hike. We are hiking not only for a physical challenge but also to raise funds and find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. As some of you all may know my cousin is living with Cystic Fibrosis and each year we have a walk in Winston Salem to help raise money for finding a cure for this awful disease. In this post I talked about what CF is and put up some pictures from this past year's walk.
Everyday Wells must go through hours of therapy to keeps his lungs clear and takes around 50 pills a day so he can digest his food. He is no stranger to hospitals and sometimes misses school due to long hospital stays.
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment, end ensuring access to high-quality specialized care.

Please support me as I hike for a cure for those fighting CF every day. Every dollar you donate is 100% tax deductible and nearly 90 cents of it will go directly towards the aggressive research initiative aims at finding a cure for this awful disease.
Making a donation is easy and secure. Just click on this LINK to make a donation that will be credited to my efforts!
Thank you all so much for your support in finding a cure for CF and for Wells.
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