Friday, October 10, 2014

Pumpkin Decorating

This weekend some girls and I are going to get together and decorate our pumpkins. I am going to forgo the carving and stick with leaving all the stuff inside the pumpkin and just decorate the outside. I am not a big fan of pumpkin guts. I can't decide how I want to decorate my I am very artistically challenged so I will need something very simple. My mom on the other hand painted for a living so I am not sure how I got skipped the artist gene but I did. But here are some of my favorite ideas for my pumpkin!

I love the white and black polka dot one!

I think the half painted is a neat idea too!

I so wish I could do this to my pumpkin! This would be my pumpkin no doubt if I could do it!

What are some of your no carve pumpkin ideas?

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