Christmas Outfits { Guest Post: Meghan @ Champagne & Suburbs }
Hey y'all! I'm Meghan and I blog over at Champagne & Suburbs. I am a newlywed living in Raleigh, NC with my husband and furball, Winston. For our first married Christmas, DG and I decided to take a little trip together for the holiday.
For Christmas Eve, we will be doing a lot of walking and it's supposed to rain. And if I'm going to be walking a lot, I have to wear my trusty wunder unders. Here's my planned outfit:
For Christmas Eve evening, I'm wearing this outfit. This would be great for a Christmas Eve service or a nice dinner out.

You'll have to check back for my Christmas dinner outfit. DG and I are going out for a highly recommended dinner and I can't wait to show you all the details!
What are your Christmas plans? Are you planning out your outfits or just winging it?
Have a Merry Christmas and be sure to stop by and say hey over at my blog! And be sure to enter the giveaway Ashley and I are co-hosting!
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