Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How to Drink More Water

We all know we should drink cup of water after cup of water after cup of water, but we don't want to. My goal is to drink 64oz of water a day, but that rarely happens. I think I have actually only done it about 4 times and it is usually happens on a day where I need to re-hydrate from the night before.

I just recently bought one of these water bottles and love it!

1. Add your own flavor
Water can get very boring so add some flavor to it. I usually just add some lemons and I am good to go, but you can also add fruit slices into. There are some water bottles that have a little place for your fruit to go into the water bottle so you don't drink the seeds.

2. Track your water intake
This has helped me the most! I have a Fitbit and I love tracking everything. It has really helped me be more conscious of how little of water I was drinking before I started tracking it.

3. Start early
I have read many places to get up and chug a glass of water before you do anything else. This is something I am working on.

4. Be prepared
I have trouble logging my water if I don't know how big the glass is, so I went out and bought a few new water bottles that had marks at every 8oz. I prepare my water bottle before I go to work and try to get through one before lunch (24oz) and then fill up again at work and try to drink another 24oz before I hit the gym. The second bottle is always the hardest because I usually am just drinking plain water, no flavor.

5. Use a straw
Everything is easier to drink through a straw.

6. Set reminders
If you are like me, sometimes I will get busy and forget to drink water and when I finally do it has been about 2 hours since I last drank, so setting an alarm to remind yourself to drink is a good idea.

Do you all have some tips for drinking more water?

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Anonymous said...

I usually power through a lot of water at work, but once I get home it escapes my mind… I don't like any flavoring in my water though.. so just drinking it plain is a little blah. I'm being more mindful though, so hopefully I'll start doing better. My coworker actually has a big jug (may even be 62oz) that she makes sure to drink while at work.

Unknown said...

Im funny and i dont like tap water so buy my water at tesco, and I literally buy in bulks and have delivered!, But i love icecold fresh water and mint and lime or lemon or strawberries or melon or whatever in my bottle!:P

Ashley Stephenson said...

haha that is funny! I haven't tried strawberries or anything else other than lemon in my water, but I will have to try that!

Joey Hodges said...

YES to all of these! Totally agree! Drinking more water is such a huge part of feeling great!

Unknown said...

Yey, at least I'm doing one thing right :) I always add flavor too!

Amy said...

I usually drink my water plain but some days that just isn't thirst quenching enough or in really hot climates on those days I add a dash of lime juice. I love it. The fit bit looks very helpful for tracking, I have trouble remembering if i've had enough to drink or not.

Unknown said...

This is a great post and I love that you are promoting hydration. I had a scary pregnancy moment because I wasn't drinking enough water a few weeks ago and blogged about it. It was not fun and I definitely learned my lesson. :)

~GINA said...

Great tips, I definitely need to drink more water!

Bethany Magnie said...

I used to draw little cups of water on my hand to keep track of how much I was drinking lol. Old school!!

M said...

These are great tips! I try to remember to refill my water bottle or cup as soon as it's empty and then keep it with me all day... =)

Anonymous said...

Awesome tips girly! I don't particularly like flavored water, but I pretty much only drink water. I do agree with straws! I have seen a huge improvement in my water habits after putting a straw in my bottles and cups. I love my water bottles that have the oz on the side. They do really help keep track of how much water I drink. I need to get a fitbit! I can already tell.

Justine Y @ Little Dove said...

I have started making sure that I drink a glass or two of water first thing in the morning. I use to be really good about drinking lots of water, but have gotten a little lax over the past year.

Nadine said...

Yay for more water!!! I find it helpful to get up from my desk just about every 90 minutes to refill my water bottle. I make sure that I make myself finish any water in it before doing so also. Plus it makes me walk a little...I sit way too long at work!

Anonymous said...

I try so hard to drink more water, but I'm constantly forgetting! I definitely add lemon often. I also bought a really large water cup so I wouldn't have to refill as often.

ColorSutraa said...

Number 4 is a great idea! Have to get one of those for myself!

Kate Danielle said...

I love to add flavor and I do always drink more with a straw! I am working on a new tumbler (with a straw!) that you can keep track of how many times you fill it up by moving a cling (like a window cling) to the next number. I hope to have them in my shop soon!

Yaitza Bueno said...

great tips.. I carry a bottle with me at all times...

Kara said...

Great tips! I need to drink more water than I do.

Zelle B. said...

I'm definitely trying to get better about drinking more water! I've been terrible today, but I always feel so much better when I drink more water!
xo Southern Style

Unknown said...

I drink a 20 oz of vitamin water and work and just try to remember to fill it up 2 more times with regular water. After that the rest comes easy with what I drink at home.

Lindsay said...

Awesome tips! I really need to drink more water as well. Drinking through a straw really does help! I like to buy the big bottles of smart water and try to drink one a day.

katie // a touch of teal said...

Such great tips! I will be referring to this later :]

xo katie // a touch of teal

Sandy said...

The straw trick works for me! I drink my whole glass so fast through a straw!

Anonymous said...

Rather than adding flavoring to my water, I prefer adding fresh fruits. I always bring a few lemon slices in my lunch to have at work in my water, but at home I'm usually more creative. My favorite is a berry-lemon combo that I prepare and refrigerate ahead of time to drink when I get home.

Gregory Gibbs @ AQ Pure Water