Wednesday, November 16, 2016

{ Married Life } Why I'm Grateful

Next Monday Timmy and I will have been married for 1 year and I love him more than I ever thought was possible. We have grown as a couple and individually more in this first year of marriage than we did the 4 years we dated. Thinking back to our  Wedding day always brings such a big smile to my face - it was the Best Day Ever. Over the past year I have been jotting down little things he does that I don't always thank him for, things he does without expecting a thank you for. He has been a wonderful husband and I can't wait to spend many more anniversaries with him! 

  • Every week he takes the trash can and recycling can to the top of our rocky driveway.

  • When I cook he cleans up not expecting me to help him clean, but when he cooks and it is my turn to clean he always helps.

  • He will always play with my hair or rub my back when I can't fall asleep.

  • He brings me up a piece of candy when he grabs himself one, even if I didn't ask for one.

  • He tackled the mall with me just 4 days before Christmas.

  • He will take a picture with me everyday for our first year of marriage.

  • He deals with me waking up at 5AM every weekday morning to get up and exercise - he can never fall back into that deep sleep he was in before.

  • He eats the food I cook even if it isn't the best.

  • He lets me watch my really girly shows and at times will sit and watch them with me.

  • He takes Bailey out when it really is my turn.

  • He deals with all my complaints.

  • He listens to all my random ideas.

  • He takes professional pictures with me even though he doesn't want to.

  • He always keeps an eye out for 100 Grand Bars in the gas stations, they are so hard to find!

  • He texts me every morning and tells me to have a good day.

  • He loves me unconditionally.

I love you babe!

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1 comment :

Unknown said...

Such a sweet post!!! It really is the little things that count and add up! It never gets old.