Sunday, February 1, 2015

Step Up Sunday #2

We are back  Step Up Sunday with RebekahKathy and Britt week number 2! 

1. How many pounds did you gain or lose?


2. Your weekly exercise or step goal, and did you meet it?

I have a few weekly/monthly goals. My monthly goal of exercise is to log 60 miles in the gym each month. As of last Sunday (1/25) I had logged a total of 41.55 miles in the gym in 3 weeks. So that left 18.45 miles left until I reached my goal with 1 week left in the month of January. I reached my goal and exceeded my goal both for this week and the moth of January (only by a little, but hey I exceeded it)! This week I logged 18.55 miles at the gym, reach 60.10 miles in a month!

-I also have a FitBit Flex which tracks my steps and my goal is to get 70,000 steps for the week. Last week I almost reached my goal and completed 67,302 steps.

Sunday - 5,508
Monday- 10,163
Tuesday- 11,929
Wednesday- 17,907
Thursday- 6,426
Friday-  10,088
Saturday- 3,865

=65,886 steps

3. What was your biggest challenge this week?
Drinking 64oz of water a day. I think I drank 64oz of water 2 days this week.

4. Do you have any advice or tips for the rest of us?

Setting a milage goal has really motivated me to go to the gym more rather than setting a weekly goal of going to the gym X amount of days. I find myself going to the gym more and giving myself some off days and some relax days but also some intense days. 

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Rebekah @ The Straight Arrow said...

Congrats on the loss!

Him & Me (But Mostly Me) said...

Yay on losing and also yay for finding something that motivates you!!!

Britt Hanson said...

I love that you found some good motivation! That makes all the difference :)

Unknown said...

Impressive step count! I'm lucky if I get in a couple thousand steps a day but hopefully that will change now that I've purchased a treadmill! Great job on achieving those goals!