Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Stephenson Wedding { Song List }

Seeing as I am on vacation this week, I decided to share with you all some of the songs that played at some of our major events during the wedding. Picking these songs were really hard, some even came the day before the wedding. Thankfully Shannon, who was our DJ, was cool with some last minute add ons.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Happy Tuesday friends! Today instead of my usual Bachelor Recap I am giving you all an update on my life via Instagram (<---go follow me!). Right now I am in Mexico enjoying the all free drinks I want! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Stephenson Wedding {Rehearsal Dinner}

Sorry for how little pictures I took of the actual rehearsal dinner space and decorations in advance! Timmys family hosted a wonderful last dinner before we became husband and wife at one of my families favorite restaurants in Raleigh - Casa Carbone! It is an amazing little Italian restaurant that we frequent a lot! We had all of our family and bridal party there and it was a perfect start to an amazing weekend! So let's get on with Wedding Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bachelor Season 20: Week Three

Week three live recap here. There were 2 one on ones and 1 big group date. Both sets of twins are still here, Lace sent herself home and big mouth Olivia is still on her way to possibly marrying Ben Higgins.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekend Recap: Date Nights, Birthdays & Waffle House

Our weekend is over and it is time for bed and back to work for one more week before we leave for Mexico! Well this weekend we had a lot going on. We had a date night planned, we had a birthday party to attend and most importantly I had multiple pamper appointments. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

We Heart Selfies: Day 49-55

I honestly can't believe I have stuck with taking a picture of Timmy and I everyday for 55 days now. He doesn't even get mad anymore; he just expects to take a picture when I get home from the gym.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A New Journey

Well, I  took the plunge and I attended my first yoga class. My friend Whitney and I have been talking about it since before the Holidays and wanted to start the new year off right. I did a little research and found a studio that was about 5 minutes from Whitney's house and about 10 minutes from my work, so it was perfect!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Stephenson Wedding {Bridesmaid Luncheon}

It is Wednesday again so it means another wedding post. The second item on our events for the day before the wedding was the Bridesmaid Luncheon at Carolina Country Club! Some lovely ladies that are friends of my Grandmother hosted this lovely party honoring my Bridesmaids! The Bridesmaid Luncheon was at Carolina Country Club, which is a beautiful location for anything! The room they rented our was beautifully decorated with flowers and a warm fire! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bachelor Season 20: Week Two

I am going to try something new with this post. I am going to be blogging about the Bachelor and watching it at the same time. So you all get my real reactions about the things that happened during the second episode. I have my chocolate milk on my side table, my pillows propped up and my sweet little bailey next to me. So this post may be long or it may be short...not sure. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

December Selfies

Month 2 of my 52 Week Portrait Challenge is complete!! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

52 Week Blogger Challenge {Week 1: Meet the Blogger}

Earlier this week one of my favorite bloggers, Sarah, blogged about the 52 Week Blogging Challenge she created for 2016. I think this is a great idea because sometimes I struggle to come up with topics to write about or sometimes life just gets too busy. But 2016 is a new year and I am going to attempt to complete this challenge! Join Sarah every Monday and share your posts. (I know it is Friday and I am just now posting Week One's post but I will work on it!)

WEEK ONE: Meet the Blogger

Some of you may know me and some of you may be new to my little space in the blogging world. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Ashley. I am twenty five years old and started Girl Talk a few years ago, but didn't get really into the blogging world until about a year ago. I love coffee, wine, Japanese food, Mexican food, puppies and my sweet husband. 

Here at Girl Talk you can find pretty much anything you want to read. I have posted about wedding planning, recipes, DIY, fashion, etc. I love the space I have created and love being able to write about anything and having such a wonderful support system from my readers.

My husband, Timothy, and I were married a little over a month ago...November 21 and it has been so amazing. You can catch up on all of my wedding posts here. I absolutely love being married. We got married in Raleigh, NC and honeymooned in Mexico! 

Timothy and I also have a little fur baby, named Bailey, who we love so dearly. I adopted her from the SPCA is 2011, just 2 months after Timothy and I started dating and she has been such a joy to our little family. Currently, we are considering getting another puppy in the near future...but Timothy says this one will be his hunting dog.

Well that is a little about the girl behind Girl Talk..I hope you learned a little about me! Don't forget to join Sarah every MONDAY on her 52 Week Blogging Challenge!

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

January Goals

With it being a new year I thought I would get back into doing monthly goals. I know it is 7 days into January but goals are goals. Let's do this.

  • Drink 64oz of water 3x a week
  • Try a yoga class
  • Workout at least 3x in the morning
  • Workout at least 2x in the afternoon 
  • Reach 10,000 steps 3x a week
  • Grow my Instagram by 50 followers
  • Lose 3 pounds by my Mexico trip - departing January 23

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(This month's advertisement)

Stitch Fix: December Edition

My last Stitch Fix of 2015 has arrived!

For the people who don't know what Stitch Fix is, let me tell you about this awesome company! Basically Stitch Fix delivers clothes right to your front door. When you sign up (use this link) you will be prompted to fill out a styling profile and picking a delivery date (you can choose how often you want your fix to come). The styling profile will include filling out your sizes, how you like your clothes to fit, and what type of outfits you like. The picture below is one of my style profiles they asked me to rate with love it, like it, don't really like it, hate it.

You then pay a $20 styling fee, which will be applied as a credit on the clothes that you do decide to keep from your shipment. Stitch Fix will send you 5 items per shipment, it will be clothing or accessories (you can specify which you would like to have, and which items you would not like to receive). Once you receive your shipment you can try on all the items in your own home, decide what you like and what you don't like. Keep what you want and send back what you don't want in a pre-paid envelope. If you keep all 5 of your items you will receive a 25% discount.

I love the fact that I can try on all the clothes sent to me at my own house and try them on with different outfits. Whenever I am shopping I am always wishing I wore different clothes to see if the shirt or pant or jewelry I am trying on will go with something in my closet. Also, you can earn credits with referrals. You only pay when you get a fix, there is no monthly fee.


Stylist Note:
Hi Ashley! Happy Fix Day! I'm so excited to style your Fix today. I noticed you pinned the Chamberlin cardigan. We didn't have it in grey but we did in burgundy and grey. It would be cute with the Beatrice dolman sleeve top and the Delamo fringe necklace. We also had the kienna patch sleeve sweater that you pinned. Yay! Have fun trying everything on. xo Suzanne

Kienna Patch Detail Pullover Sweater [ KEPT ]

I LOVED everything about this sweater, the colors, the fit, the patches. It was the perfect sweater!

Brandie Mixed Material hem Knit Top [ RETURNED ]

When I first got this shirt in my fix I was not a fan..but I have seen so many girls wearing this exact shirt since I returned it and wish I had kept it!

Beatrice Exposed Zipper Dolman Top [ RETURNED ]

I really was hoping I would like this top. I liked it but I just didn't like the material and the way it bunched at the stomach. 

Chamberlin Striped Drape Front Cardigan [ RETURNED ]

I really was hoping I would get the one I pinned in grey because in my last Fix I got a burgundy striped and polka dotted open cardigan. I love burgundy but they were just too similar to keep both.

Delamo V Fringe Necklace [ RETURNED ]

Hated this necklace. The length the design everything.

Want to check out some of my other Stitch Fix orders?

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stephenson Wedding {Nail Salon}

Wedding Wednesday again! The day before our wedding was a busy busy day! The first thing on our list of events was our mani/pedi appointment! I was looking forward to getting pampered! The girls were all wearing navy dresses and would be carrying white flowers with a touch of light pink, so I wanted to incorporate the light pink in their nail color. I had all the girls wear the OPI Mod About You color and it was perfect!

What colors did you have your girls wear on your wedding day?

Missed some of my other wedding posts? Check them out below!!

next week: bridesmaid luncheon

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bachelor Season 20: Week One

Last night we welcomed the gorgeous Ben Higgins as the new Bachelor! I personally loved Ben on Kaitlyn's season and was so excited when I found out he was going to be the next Bachelor. Last night was nothing short of what would be expected on the premiere of the new season. There were thought out introductions, crying and even a little drama. I don't think I am alone in saying that there are some crazy girls on there this season, just like every season. I am excited to see what happens this season!

+ Twin twist. Why in the world would these girls go on The Bachelor together? I would think this could cause some family drama in the future.

+ Caila she may be crazy for dumping her boyfriend after seeing Ben on Kaitlyn's season but I absolutely love her personality! And she is just so cute! Her dress also may have persuaded me as well.

+ Lace was very bold to be the first to kiss him right when she stepped out of the limo. I wouldn't have the guts to do that but then she wanted a redo of the kiss and Ben totally denied her. She was also annoying sitting in the mansion sipping her wine and judging everyone on their looks. It is night one and she is already getting upset with Ben for not looking at her one single time during the rose ceremony..shut got a rose.

+Tiara...the chicken enthusiast. I'm sorry but if you need to think about leaving your chickens or coming on a TV show to find are crazy. And she let's one of her chickens sleep in her bed.

+Mandi showed up with a giant rose on her head. That speaks for itself. And if that wasn't enough for you...she pulled him away and did a thorough inspection of his teeth.

+Becca. OMG. I loved her on Chris' season and I am so glad she is back. She deserves to find love and I am rooting for her!

+Amber also returned...things are going to get juicy!

+Olivia was the lucky gal to receive the first impression rose. But I am not a huge fan of her only because the first thing that came out of her mouth is that a month ago she was a news anchor and now she isn't because she quit her job to come on the show. In my opinion in kind of seemed like she was trying to get pity...but maybe that's just me.

+ Sam was another one of my favorites. She didn't really stand out to me but as soon as I saw her walk out of the limo I just instantly liked her. 

This season will definitely prove to be fifty shades of crazy as Caila said.

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Monday, January 4, 2016

{ Stephenson Winter Bucket List // Ugly Sweaters }

Ugly Sweater parties are my favorite parties to go to during the Christmas Holiday! I had one at my apartment about 5 years ago and then I went to one the following year and that was the last time I went to one. This year I talked one of our friends into having one, he was already having a house warming party so I told him to make it a tacky sweater party! It is always so much fun to see all the sweaters people are wearing! Well we went to one and my friend Brittany definitely had the best sweater - it was Home Alone themed sweater! 

+ go ice skating downtown
+ build a snowman
+ make a gingerbread house
+ attend a hockey game
+ decorate Christmas cookies
+ decorate our Christmas tree
+ go to an ugly sweater Christmas party
+ go see Christmas lights
+ make fireplace s'mores

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